
Sunday, August 6, 2017

18 Awesome Tactics to Formulate Digital Media Strategy

How to Formulate a Successful Digital Media Strategy?

While a huge majority of businesses have entered the Internet and almost every person uses mobile phones, many organizations fail to get full benefits of the incredible potential to link with their clients that these prominent digital media platforms provide. A digital media plan should be a significant element of your complete marketing strategy. Following 18 tactics will help you to develop a new Digital Media Strategy to promote your products or services: 
18 Awesome Tactics to Formulate Digital Media Strategy
A digital media plan should be a significant element of your complete marketing strategy
1. Text Messaging 
Text messaging is a more powerful and popular tool to cognizant your customers about the company’s special promotions, new products, and forthcoming events. Today, almost everybody has a mobile phone. So, you can ask the cell numbers from your clienteles by offering exceptional promotions entirely via text message. The direct emails, websites, ads, billboards, and radio announcements are also powerful tools to support your text messaging opportunities. A persuasive message can attract your customers or prospects attention.
2. Intranet Communication 
An intranet website is also a powerful and distinctive way of communication within an organization and company to connect with the employees and to boost-up staff morale by announcing pay up-gradation, promotions, birthday celebrations, and different company’s functions. Your employees can also publish the relevant photographs on an intranet site.
3. Promote Business-to-Business (B2B)
Like as an intranet, ‘Extranet’ also provides an opportunity for the users, usually the businesses, outside the company to share a large amount of data and exclusive information with other businesses (sometimes your trade partners) containing trade catalogs.
4. Use of Web Banner Advertisement for Promotion
You can promote special offers through web banner advertisements on your websites that your customers likely to visit. These advertisements should be visually compelling and be linking to the products or landing pages on your websites.
5. Revamp Your Site with Website Widgets
You can implant website widgets on your web page or blog. These are small programs to show ads, research information, or even pictures. Through these widgets, you can track visitors on your site and also record the perception of visitors about your site. A Google search for website widgets will produce a huge amount of data or information about how you can easily produce and show these thrilling interactive programs.
6. Use of Podcasts for Providing Information, News, and Product Reviews
You can use audio or video files on your website, which are called ‘Podcasts’ for the visitors to listen or watch. There is a great variety of Podcasts creation software on the internet that your visitor can use to download audio or video files from your web into their MP3 players. So these podcasts should be used to advertise the special events, provide customer testimonials and appraisals, and provide instructional videos.
7. Post Streaming Videos to Deliver Fresh Information to Your Customers 
When you develop a creative and outrageous video and post on YouTube, it goes viral and millions of people view it. You can create a link to such video on your website or blog that delivers important information to your customers and generate more interest in your products or services.
8. Chat with Your Customers through Instant Messaging
Instant messaging is a powerful platform being used by millions of adults to communicate online with each other. Alongside, online forums and chat rooms are being used to inquire about the products or services, customer participation in collaborative discussions, or positive criticism by the customers.
9. Plan Webinars to Increase Your Visibility by Proposing Educational Programming on Your Website
Webinars (Seminars and Meetings on the Web) are becoming more popular with the passing of time. These are completely web-based communications and expedient means to deliver instructive and product information to your clients or customers. To conduct these webinars, you will need to buy web-hosting software.
10. Conduct Virtual Trade Show
The existing vast technology has reduced spending a huge amount of money on arranging live trade shows. Apparently, live trade shows are perfect for many products and services. The attendees can get access to these live trade shows at their convenience. These virtual trade shows can include product videos, live demos, and even entertainment.
11. Deliver E-mail Alerts for Special Deals 
Email alerts are a winning tool to keep your customers aware of special deals, grand openings, and new promotions of the company. The smart marketers collect e-mail addresses from their customers as more as possible. The best approach to collect e-mail addresses from your customers is at points of purchase, or while offering an incentive such as giveaway or discount. Once you have collected numerous e-mails from your potential customers, use these emails to deliver alerts for your special deals and new promotions to keep your customers aware.
12. Create Your Own Email Domain 
To promote your business, you must have a personalized e-mail address while corresponding to the potential customers.
13. Drive People to Your Website with Collateral Materials
You have spent a valuable time and much money to create and maintain your website or blog. Make sure the availability of collateral materials on your website to drive people; for example direct mail, business cards, outside advertising, radio and television ads.
14. Promote Media Channels, Including Social Networks
Social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Foursquare, and YouTube are increasingly promoting the businesses. You need to use these phrases “Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube” along with logos for these social media, on business cards, print ads, brochures, and direct emails.
15. Offer Free Wi-Fi (Wireless Internet)
To make your customers more convenient, provide free Wi-Fi internet facility at your restaurant, coffee shop, or any other business where you want customers to be more comfortable. As a result, the more time they spend in your location, the more money they are likely to spend.
16. Pay per Click 
Google provides great advertising programs such as Google AdWords and Google AdSense that allows you to create your own ads and run these ads on your websites or blogs. You will be paid only when people click on your ads.
17. Create ‘Forward This Link’ Options
If you have a strong promotion and interesting information, you can create ‘Forward This Link to Friends’ options on your emails or Web sites. The vigorous information, you are offering might spread like wildfire to millions of potential customers.
18. Optimize to Make Mobile Friendly Website 
Today, almost everyone is turning away from the conventional desktop and laptop computers to get access to the Internet through their mobile phones and tabs. You need to make your website mobile friendly by using basic fonts and avoiding advertisement congestion that will occupy more screen space and eliminate many plug-ins.

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