
Monday, March 13, 2017

Scope of International Marketing Research and Step by Step Research Process

International Marketing Research

Research needs data or information for making effective marketing strategies and eliminating major marketing mistakes. Information consists of a variety of data ranging from general data of market assessment to specific market information for making decisions about the product, promotion, distribution, and price. Sometimes the data can be collected from dependable research vendors or the researchers. But sometimes even the key executive persons also get their shoes dirty and collect data from key customers of far-flung areas or directly seeing the marketplace as well.
International Marketing Research Process
International Marketing Research Process. (Photo by Gerd Altmann)
A marketer must find the true and dependable data likely within the limits imposed by time, cost, and the present state of the art. A competent researcher may have twin qualities: the ability to develop the most sophisticated and adequate techniques and methods available within these limits, and the effective communication of acumen to decision-makers in the company. The second quality often involves senior executives directly in the research process.
Marketing Research is usually defined as the systematic collecting, recording, and scrutinizing of data to provide information useful in marketing decision-making process. Although the research procedures and methods mostly used in Columbus, Ohio, Colombo, or Sri Lanka are the same, International Marketing Research involves two additional impediments:
First, information must be understood across the cultural boundaries. The managers in Chicago must be able to ‘translate’ their research questions in such a way that the customers in Guangzhou, China, can comprehend easily. Then the answers, reports or data summaries from China must be put in such a way that American managers can comprehend easily. Fortunately, there are often internal staff and research agencies that are quite skilled in these kinds of multicultural communication tasks.
Second, the environment of foreign markets is often different to apply research tools. Rather than implementing new and glamorous methods of research, the international market researchers must develop the ability for creative and smart application of tried and tested techniques in sometimes totally odd environments. The mechanical problems for executing foreign marketing research often vary from country to country. Within the foreign environment, the frequently opposing stresses on types of information needed, the limited availability of suitable tools and techniques, and the difficulty of performing research process create the challenges for international marketing researchers.

Scope of Marketing Research

The only difference between foreign and domestic marketing research is the broader scope. The research can be separated into three types based on required information:
§     Collect comprehensive information about the country, area, and market.
§     Collect general information about forecasting the future marketing needs by anticipating the trends of society, economic, consumer, and the industry within specific markets or countries.
§   Collect specific information about developing the product, promotion strategies, distribution channels, price decisions and marketing plans. In the domestic research process, more importance is given to the third type i.e. collecting specific market information, because the other data is often obtainable from secondary sources.
In fact, information is necessary for sound marketing decisions. A country's political constancy, cultural traits, and geographical characteristics are some of the kinds of information not ordinary gathered by local marketing research departments but which are required for comprehensive assessment of the international market. This broader scope of international marketing research calls for gathering and evaluating information such as economic, cultural, sociological, political climate, an overview of marketing environments, summary of technological advancement and competitive situation.

Marketing Research Process

Marketing research study is always a compromise dictated by perimeters of time, cost, and the present state of the art. The researcher must endeavor for the most truthful and consistent information within the existing constraints. A key to successful research is a systematic and organized approach to the collection and appraisal of data. In market research process these steps should be followed whether research program is conducted in New York or New Delhi:
§    Define the research problem and develop research goals.
§    Define the basis of information to achieve the research goals.
§    Define the budgets and benefits of research exertion.
§   Gather appropriate data from secondary or primary sources or from the both.
§    Scrutinize, and review the results.
§    Give the results to decision makers efficiently.

Multicultural Counseling

As companies become international marketers and seek to systematize various parts of the marketing mix across several countries, multicultural research studies become more important. A business firm is to determine to what extent the marketing mix is suitable. Thus, market features across various nations must be compared for similarities and differences before developing a marketing strategy. The research problems discussed thus far have addressed difficulties of conducting research within a culture. When engaging in multicultural studies, many of these same issues further complicate the difficulty of multi-cultural comparisons.
Multicultural Research includes dealing with countries that have different languages, social structures, behavior, economics and attitude patterns. When starting multicultural research, it is important that these differences be taken into account. An important point to keep in mind when designing research to be applied across cultures is to ensure comparability and similarity of results. Different methods may have changing consistencies in different countries. It is important that these differences be considered in the design of a multicultural survey.
The main purpose of marketing research is providing information to the management for better decision making either in domestic or international marketing. In international marketing research, however, achieving that objective presents some difficulties not encountered in domestic marketing.
The consumer behavior for giving the information to a researcher is culturally conditioned. International market surveys must be planned prudently to collect the desired data and at the same time not insult the respondent's sense of privacy. Besides the cultural and managerial confines involved in assembling information for primary data, many international markets have scarce or untrustworthy sources of secondary information. To conduct a successful international marketing research, following three keys are suggested to overthrow these challenges:
§     The inclusion of natives of the foreign culture in research teams.
§     The use of various methods and triangulation.
§     The involvement of decision-makers even the top management, who must on occasion talk directly to or directly perceive customers in international markets.

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